How Can I Improve My English Grammar?

Today, we will look at a question frequently asked by English learners: "How can I improve my grammar?" Strong grammar skills are essential for effective communication in English. In this article, I’ll give 5 ways you can start to improve your grammar today.  

1. Understand the Basics:

To build a solid foundation, it's crucial to understand the basic grammar rules of English. Study the parts of speech, verb tenses, sentence structures, and punctuation. One of our favorite grammar series is listed here.  Most grammar books I find to be pretty boring, but this series is the best I’ve seen.  Start slow and take your time!  The better you understand these basics, the easier it will be later in your journey when you are studying more advanced grammar.

A big mistake I see a lot is my students overdoing it.  You do not need to spend 4 hours everyday studying grammar (unless you just really want to).  You will burn out and you will start to hate it.  In my experience, consistency and discipline make a bigger difference.  You may only need to spend 20 minutes a day on grammar.  In that 20 minutes if you are focused and intense, you will see more progress than others who may spend much longer on it.

2. Read, Read, Read :

Reading is a proven method for improving grammar and overall language skills. Try to read a wide variety of English material. If you don’t like reading the news, that’s ok!  Find material that interests you.  My students and I will read webtoons, Usbourne series, novels, magazines, etc.  The important thing is that you read.  It’s ok to read children’s books! We have tons of recommendations here and I have read them all several times! 

As you begin to read more and more, you will recognize grammar patterns.  You will notice  how writers construct sentences and paragraphs.  You will start to understand their word choices and writing structures.

3. Practice:

Reading, listening, and using other materials to learn is great.  But if you aren’t practicing, how do you know if you’ve learned anything? In my opinion, output is the most important part of the learning process.  And practice makes perfect!  Look for opportunities to practice your new found skills.  If you don’t feel comfortable talking in a group or are too shy to talk to others, talk to yourself!  Talk out loud at home!  Talk to some birds in your yard!  Talk to your dog or cat.  Hearing yourself speak will start to give you the confidence you need to speak to others.  

When you are ready to practice with another speaker, go for it!  You will pick up on local idioms and expressions when talking with people around you.  You may not understand them at first, but keep practicing!  You’ll be using them in your everyday conversation in no time.  

4. Seek Feedback:

Don't hesitate to seek feedback on your writing and speaking skills. Find an English tutor, language exchange partner, or join a language learning community. Submit writing samples for review, participate in language exchange sessions, or actively engage in language forums. Constructive feedback from others can help you identify areas for improvement and guide your progress.  I know it can be hard and sometimes scary to hear others give you feedback on your English skills, but if you want to improve, it’s a must! 

5. Create a Grammar Journal:

This one is one of my favorites.  Keep a journal of your daily activities.  It doesn’t have to be a lot.  Just write a few sentences everyday about what you did that day or something you thought about.  Try to write in the evenings and check your work in the mornings.  Don’t write and check at the same time!  If you find mistakes in your writing, make a note of what it was.  If you notice you are making a certain mistake often, research that particular grammar point.

Keeping a notebook is also a great way to see how you have progressed!  

Improving your English is a gradual process! It will take time and patience.  If you have dedication and practice consistently, you will improve. If you have tried all of these methods and still don't see much improvement, try one of our classes! Our experienced teachers can help! 

If you have any questions, DM us on instagram at eslwithhanandmorris 

Thanks for reading,
